We gave each other scarves to represent the wisdom inside. We lit each others candles to honor the light within

We gave each other scarves to represent the wisdom inside. We lit each others candles to honor the light within

In my dream, the angel shrugged and said, if we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination, and then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand.

-Poet and visual artist Brian Andreas

What do you hold in your mind and heart?

It is the season on Earth to open and let that energy flow.

The blessings and commitments of being here, in this place.

We used our candles together to light a raging fire.

We used our candles together to light a raging fire.

A creative community Celebration. Come share in the healing quality of the Creative Arts and play

Let Your Creativity Flow!  Take time to play and grow.  We are creative beings who can remake what doesn't work in ourselves and our community.  This two day community gathering is a time to focus together on these things through contemplayful activities in the creative arts. 

This gathering brings together various local creative leaders, who will continue to offer creative and playful gatherings throughout the year.  The arts has been traditionally thought of as for a select group of individuals.  Many are beginning to understand that creativity is a natural human trait that needs to be set free to achieve happiness, health, and even guidance.

The creative thinking process is exactly the same brain process as problem solving.  We have problems to solve in our society and developing our natural creative thinking skills will help us. 

5 rhythms dancing

5 rhythms dancing

If you are interested in attending our annual

celebration, please email the gallery at


These have been paused for a few years. The hope is to begin the annual celebrations again in 2024. I will update the website when this becomes definite.

We celebrated the fruits of the Earth with a fruit feast!

We celebrated the fruits of the Earth with a fruit feast!

Write poetry to the collage you make. Spontaneously sing together using the words of the poems you write. Dance with these singers.  Paint the dancers. Be you, however that shows up.